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Yuan Longping, known as the “Father of Hybrid Rice”, is a renowned Chinese agricultural scientist who has made significant contributions to global food security. Born in 1930, Yuan dedicated his life to the research and development of hybrid rice, aiming to increase crop yields and reduce hunger worldwide.

Yuan’s journey began in the 1960s when he embarked on a mission to develop high-yielding rice varieties. After years of hard work and perseverance, he successfully created the first hybrid rice strain, which significantly outperformed traditional varieties in terms of yield. This breakthrough not only alleviated food shortages in China but also had a profound impact on global agriculture.

Yuan’s achievements were recognized internationally, and he received numerous awards and honors. However, he remained humble and dedicated to his research, constantly striving to improve hybrid rice and make it more resilient to climate change and other challenges.

Beyond his scientific achievements, Yuan was also known for his dedication to education and mentorship. He actively mentored young scientists and encouraged them to pursue innovative research in agriculture. His legacy continues to inspire generations of scientists and farmers worldwide.


1、What is Yuan Longping commonly known as?

A. The Father of Hybrid Rice

B. The Pioneer of Global Food Security

C. The Inventor of Agricultural Technology

D. The Leader of Chinese Scientific Research

2、When did Yuan Longping start his research on hybrid rice?

A. In the 1930s

B. In the 1940s

C. In the 1950s

D. In the 1960s

3、What was the main impact of Yuan Longping’s hybrid rice research?

A. It increased the demand for rice worldwide.

B. It led to a reduction in hunger worldwide.

C. It made rice more expensive for consumers.

D. It caused environmental damage to rice fields.

4、Yuan Longping’s attitude towards his achievements can be described as ________.

A. arrogant

B. humble

C. ambivalent

D. indifferent

5、Which of the following is NOT mentioned as part of Yuan Longping’s legacy?

A. Scientific achievements

B. Mentorship to young scientists

C. Political activism

D. Dedication to education


1、答案: A. 杂交水稻之父

解析: 文章第一句话明确提到:“袁隆平,被誉为‘杂交水稻之父’”,因此正确答案是A。

2、答案: D. 20世纪60年代

解析: 文章提到:“袁隆平的旅程始于20世纪60年代,当时他开始了开发高产水稻品种的任务。”所以正确答案是D。

3、答案: B. 它有助于全球减少饥饿

解析: 文章指出:“这一突破不仅缓解了中国的粮食短缺问题,而且对全球农业产生了深远的影响。”这表明袁隆平的研究有助于全球减少饥饿,因此B选项是正确的。

4、答案: B. 谦虚的

解析: 文章提到:“尽管袁隆平的成就得到了国际认可,并获得了众多奖项和荣誉,但他仍然保持谦虚,致力于研究。”这表明袁隆平对自己的成就是谦虚的,所以B选项是正确的。

5、答案: C. 政治活动

解析: 文章提到了袁隆平的科学成就(第一段),对年轻科学家的指导(最后一段),以及对教育的投入(最后一段)。但文章中并未提及袁隆平的政治活动,因此C选项是正确答案。
