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Dogs are known as man’s best friend. They are loyal, loving, and protective animals that have been companions to humans for thousands of years. Dogs come in various breeds, each with its own unique characteristics and abilities.

One of the most remarkable things about dogs is their sense of smell. Their noses are incredibly sensitive, allowing them to detect odors that are imperceptible to humans. This ability makes them excellent trackers and search-and-rescue animals.

Dogs are also very intelligent. With proper training, they can learn a variety of tasks, from simple commands like “sit” and “stay” to more complex behaviors like fetching objects or protecting a home. They are often used as guide dogs for the blind or as therapy dogs to help people with mental health issues.

Moreover, dogs provide companionship and comfort to their owners. They are always eager to please and show affection, whether it’s through a wagging tail, a lick on the face, or a warm hug. Dogs are also great stress relievers, as their presence and antics can easily lighten up any mood.

In conclusion, dogs are not just pets; they are loyal companions that enrich our lives with their love, intelligence, and unwavering devotion.


1、What are dogs commonly known as?

A. Man’s worst enemy

B. Man’s best friend

C. Wild animals

D. Guard animals

2、What makes dogs excellent trackers and search-and-rescue animals?

A. Their sharp vision

B. Their strong legs

C. Their sense of smell

D. Their loud bark

3、Dogs can learn a variety of tasks with ____________.

A. little training

B. no training

C. proper training

D. any training

4、How do dogs provide companionship and comfort to their owners?

A. By barking loudly

B. By staying alone

C. By showing affection

D. By being lazy

5、What is the main message of the passage?

A. Dogs are intelligent animals.

B. Dogs are excellent trackers.

C. Dogs enrich our lives with their love and devotion.

D. Dogs should be kept as pets only.


1、答案:B. 人类最好的朋友


2、答案:C. 它们的嗅觉


3、答案:C. 适当的训练


4、答案:C. 通过表达爱意


5、答案:C. 狗用它们的爱和忠诚丰富了我们的生活。

