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391、fill up (使) 充满;装满

例句:The petrol tank filled up quickly. 汽油箱很快就装满了。

392、find sb sth / find sth for sb 帮某人找到某物

例句:I found him a new book to read. / I found a new book for him to read. 我帮他找到了一本新书来读。

393、find sb / sth doing sth 发现某人/某物在做某事

例句:I found my cat playing with a ball in the garden. 我发现我的猫在花园里玩球。

394、find out 查明;弄清 (情况)

例句:I need to find out more information about the project. 我需要查明更多关于这个项目的信息。

395、finish doing sth 做完某事

例句:She finished cooking dinner and sat down to eat. 她做完晚饭后坐下来吃。

396、catch fire 着火

例句:The dry leaves caught fire easily. 干树叶很容易着火。

397、on fire 着火

例句:The building was on fire and the firefighters were trying to put it out. 大楼着火了,消防员正在试图扑灭它。

398、set … on fire / set fire to 使……燃烧;放火烧……

例句:Someone set the house on fire in the middle of the night. 有人在半夜放火烧了这所房子。

399、for the first time 初次;第一次

例句:She visited Japan for the first time last year. 她去年第一次访问了日本。

400、at first 起先;开始的时候

例句:At first, I didn’t understand the instructions. 起初,我不明白这些说明。

401、come first 首要;第一;首先要考虑的

例句:Safety should always come first in any workplace. 在任何工作场所,安全都应该是首要考虑的。

402、first of all 首先;第一

例句:First of all, let’s discuss the budget. 首先,我们来讨论一下预算。

403、put … first 认为……最重要;把……放在第一位

例句:In our company, we always put customer satisfaction first. 在我们公司,我们始终把客户满意度放在第一位。

404、be fit to do 适合做某事

例句:She is fit to lead this team. 她适合领导这个团队。

405、be fit for 适合……

例句:This job is not fit for a beginner. 这份工作不适合初学者。

406、fit in (with) 适合;(与……) 合得来;适应

例句:She doesn’t fit in with the company culture. 她不适应公司的文化。

407、fix up 修理好

例句:I can fix up your bike if you want. 如果你愿意,我可以帮你修好自行车。

408、as follows 如下

例句:The instructions are as follows: first, turn on the power; second, insert the disc. 说明如下:首先,打开电源;其次,插入光盘。

409、at the foot of 在……脚下;在……末尾

例句:The village is situated at the foot of the mountain. 这个村庄位于山脚下。

410、force sb to do sth 强迫某人做某事

例句:No one should force anyone to do something they don’t want to do. 没有人应该强迫别人做他们不想做的事。
